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”Sometimes the hard in life places us directly on path to the most amazing things we will ever experience, yet never imagined.”

Daily DIVO-tional...

The graphic pretty much sums it all up. No one wants to feel pain or displeasure, but sometimes it is just the stimulus or motivation we need to make a change and or move from where we are; providing a brand new vantage point and experiences. I'm sure most of us can think of a time that we thought the WORST thing in the world was happening to us, but later it seemed to be the BEST thing to happen to us because it precipitated or was a main part of the cascade that landed us in a place far different than we could imagine or conceive of. Perhaps your are in the midst of the hard, and cannot see your way out. YOU ARE HEARD! Perception is key, and sometimes it takes a while to realize that we ARE in fact the common denominator in all things concerning our world. That's tough pill to swallow if life has not shown itself to be very pleasant thus far. I am not saying that you can prevent things from happening with a rosy attitude, but rather your rosy attitude will color the experiences in ways that the positive naturally blossoms within it. It has been said we are powerful creators, and I suggest that we don't even know HOW powerful. Life is truly what we make of it, from start to finish. How will you SEE you; how do you WISH to see yourself? NAMASTÈ

On this day, I will keep an open mind to any hardships I am experiencing. I will try to release control from those experiences, and remember that clinging too tightly to the life raft can be just as dangerous as not having a life raft in the sea of our emotions. 🙏🙏🙏

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